我一直很關心烏俄戰爭的情勢,前些天發現千金 A 對此沒啥概念,趕快找了篇文章給她讀;這文章 War in Ukraine 的出處是Times Kids,寫得清楚明瞭,還有原文朗誦功能,可惜沒有附加可供閱讀理解討論的問題,我在想要怎麼跟她討論時,突然靈機一動,不然就試試看讓 ChatGPT 幫我出題好了。
ChatGPT 還沒開放直接閱讀網頁的功能,所以我把全文貼上,再要求它生出相對應的問題;我看到結果嚇了一跳,完全可以直接拿來討論了。
-教學效率可透過人工智慧大幅加速:花在打字、排版等文書雜事的時間都會減少,使用 AI 先產生可用的第一份草稿,再以此草稿為基礎編輯,這樣速度就差很多了。
(下面是我的要求以及獲得的結果,翻譯的部分也是 ChatGPT 做的,我只有稍微順一下。除此之外,本篇所有配圖也都是AI產生。)
■ 請針對本篇文章,用英文列出10個適合小學三年級學生的閱讀理解問題

原文在此,可以對照著看: War in Ukraine
1. What happened on February 24? 2月24日發生了什麼事情?
2. Why is Ukraine’s president asking for military aid and sanctions against Russia? 烏克蘭總統為什麼要求軍事援助和制裁俄羅斯?
3. Who is Vladimir Putin and what is his role in the conflict? 弗拉基米爾·普丁是誰,他在這場衝突中的角色是什麼?
4. What are sanctions and how can they affect a country’s economy? 制裁是什麼,它們如何影響一個國家的經濟?
5. What is NATO and why does Ukraine want to join a? 什麼是北約,為什麼烏克蘭想要加入它?
6. Why do separatist groups in eastern Ukraine want their regions to break away from Ukraine? 為什麼烏克蘭東部的分離主義團體希望他們的地區脫離烏克蘭?
7. What are some of the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine, such as the number of refugees and anti-war protests? 烏克蘭衝突的後果有哪些,例如難民和反戰抗議的數量?
8. Who is lens Stoltenberg and what is his stance on the conflict? 謝爾蓋·諾夫科夫是誰,他對這場衝突的立場是什麼?
9. What is World Central Kitchen and how are they helping people affected by the conflict? 什麼是世界中央廚房,他們如何幫助受衝突影響的人們?
10. What did Chef Jose Andres say in his video from the Poland-Ukraine border? 廚師何塞·安德烈斯在他從波蘭-烏克蘭邊境發布的影片中說了什麼?
■ 請針對本篇文章,用英文列出10個適合小學二年級學生的閱讀理解問題

於是它不但沒照著文章出題,還另外寫了一篇(它認定)適合小二學生的文章,並附上閱讀理解問題(如下,中文的部分一樣是 AI 翻譯我順過)。
■ Note: This article may be too complex for second-grade students. Therefore, the questions may need to be adjusted or simplified based on their reading level. 注意:此文章對於二年級學生可能過於複雜。因此,問題可能需要根據他們的閱讀水平進行調整或簡化。
■ Article: March 14 is known as Pi Day. We a celebration of the mathematical constant pi. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter. It’s always the same number, approximately 3.14. That’s why we celebrate Pi Day on March 14, or 3/14 in the U.S. date format
Pi is an important concept in math and science. It’s used to calculate the area and circumference of circles. Pi has an infinite number of decimal places. People have been trying to calculate pi for thousands of years.
The first Pi Day celebration was organized by a physicist named Larry Shaw. He worked at the Exploratorium, a science museum in San Francisco, California. The museum still celebrates Pi Day every year.
To celebrate Pi Day, people often eat pie, particularly fruit pies like apple or cherry. Some people also participate in math or science activities related to pi.
1. What is Pi Day and when is it celebrated? 圓周率日是什麼,何時慶祝?
2. What is pi and what is it used for? 圓周率是什麼,有何用途?
3. Does pi have a finite or infinite number of decimal places? 圓周率有有限還是無限多的小數位?
4. How long have people been trying to calculate pi? 人們試圖計算圓周率多長時間了?
5. Who organized the first Pi Day celebration? 誰組織了第一次圓周率日慶祝活動?
6. What is the Exploratorium and where is it located? Exploratorium是什麼,它位於哪裡?
7. Does the Exploratorium still celebrate Pi Day? Exploratorium還會慶祝圓周率日嗎?
8. What are some common types of pie eaten on Pi Day? 圓周率日常見的餡餅有哪些?
9. What kinds of activities can people participate in on Pi Day? 人們可以參加哪些圓周率日的活動?
10. Why do you think Pi Day is an important celebration? 為什麼你認為圓周率日是一個重要的慶祝活動?
■ 請針對本篇文章,用英文列出10個適合幼兒園學生的閱讀理解問題

■ Note: This article may be too complex for kindergarten students. Therefore, the questions may need to be adjusted or simplified based on their reading level. 注意:本文章可能對幼稚園學生來說太複雜了。因此,問題可能需要根據他們的閱讀水平進行調整或簡化。
■ Article: The sun is a star. It’s a big ball of hot, glowing gas. The sun is very important to life on Earth. It provides light and heat to our planet Without the sun, Earth would be very cold and dark.
The sun is also very big. In fact it’s so big that you could fit 1.3 million Earths inside of it! The sun is so heavy that its gravity keeps all of the planets in our solar system orbiting around it.
Even though the sun looks small in the sky, it’s actually very far away. It’s about 93 million miles away from Earth! That’s why it takes the sun’s light about 8 minutes to reach us.
The sun is also very bright. You should never look directly at the sun, because it can hurt your eyes. That’s why we wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun’s bright light.
The sun is amazing, isn’t it?
1. What is the sun? 太陽是什麼?
2. What does the sun provide to Earth? 太陽為地球提供了什麼?
3. What would happen if there was no sun? 如果沒有太陽會發生什麼事情?
4. How big is the sun compared to Earth? 太陽與地球相比有多大?
5. How does the sun keep planets in orbit? 太陽如何保持行星的軌道運動?
6. How far away is the sun from Earth? 太陽距離地球有多遠?
7. How long does it take the sun’s light to reach Earth? 太陽的光線需要多長時間才能到達地球?
8. Why should you never look directly at the sun? 為什麼永遠不應該直接看向太陽?
9. What do we wear to protect our eyes from the sun’s bright light? 我們用什麼來保護眼睛免受太陽強烈的光線?
10. Is the sun amazing? 太陽真的很神奇嗎?
AI 的快速進展真是讓人炫目,希望人類的未來會變得更便利更舒適,有更多自由時間跟喜歡的人互動,並找到解決氣候變遷的方法。(許願)
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